"This all makes my head hurt a bit."
Winnie the Pooh

The 'Lunch Rides' 2011

Fittingly, the first ride of the year was to Gritty McDuff's in Lewiston-Auburn, which was the last ride of 2010. A "warm" Easter Sunday late in April, we had a few hours to kill, so Terry/Laurel, Shawn/Cheryl, and Jane and I made the ride west via Rt 3. It was a little cooler as we got closer inland, so coffee was on the menu first! It's always nice to get 'the gang' together, its such a rare thing when we all get so busy in the summer, so it was awesome to chat for a bit and enjoy the ride, about 300 miles or so.
Pics here

A journey to KC's Rib Shack in Manchester NH on a nice July day for myself, Terry, Shawn, and James, a friend of Shawn's. Followed Rt 202 pretty much into Manchester, with a few nice back roads we had never been on, and the same home. About 15 hours in the saddle and 568 miles for some really good 'Q.
Pics here

Just Terry and I this time. We followed Rt 2 to Skowhegan, then Rt 201 north to Jackman near the border, and Rt 6 / 15 across to Greenville and down to Monson for lunch at Spring Creek. We were a day early for the 'Swap Meat', an all day BBQ and music fest. A short ride in the sun, about 350 miles.
Pics here

Our third friday in July off for some more riding! Whoo Hoo! Terry and I went north on Route 1 to Calais, then north to Topsfield, down Rt 6 to Lincoln, and Rt 2 over to Mattawamkeag, then Rt 11 / 157 into Millinocket where we ate at the Pelletier Family Restaurant. If the name sounds familiar, it's because they are on the Discovery Channel as 'American Loggers'. It was ok food, not really worth a trip back, but a good ride nonetheless! We followed Rt 11 back to Orono, and then home, 'logging' about 368 miles. Only a few pics, I forgot my camera...but Terry didn't.
Pics here

Terry, Shawn, and I made a round-about trip to Bath for some tasty brisket at Beale St BBQ We like round-about rides...you know, where you can there in a few hours, but it takes us 6? We meandered on Rt 3 to Augusta, then Rt 202 / 11 in the Auburn area, stay on Rt 11 to Naples and around Sebago Lake....Rt 114 to Rt 22 into Portland then Rt 1 north to Beale St. for lunch, and Coastal Rt 1 home via some wicked traffic jams!
Pics here

Terry, Shawn, and I make a run to the mountain... and WOW, what a ride! We left early (5am, uggh) to ride to NH via Rt 2 to Gorham, down via 16 to ride up Mt. Washington. It's about 225 miles from BH to the base, and we arrived early. While the day was warm and sunny out (80 degrees when we started up) it quickly deteriorated to 42 degrees and 40 mph winds with visability about 20 feet. Still, a great ride, and we will make this an annual run. Lunch at Moat in Conway, south on 16 to Rt 302 and home, about 450 miles. Pics here

Terry, Shawn, Dwight, and I for a ride to Goody Coles in Brentwood, NH. We met Paul, Tony, Bernie, and a few others from MA there for a wicked good lunch. Route 3 thru Augusta, Route 125 to Rochester, NH, amd the same back. About 500 miles, nice weather, good friends, and a good meal...what else is it you need? Pics here

Just Terry and I for a ride to Smokin' Good BBQ in Bethel, ME. Nice ride, took Rt 2 over to Runford/Mexico, then Rt 17 up around Rangeley Lakes, over to NH, down Rt 26 winding back to Maine for lunch, and Rt 2 home, about 400+ miles. Pics here

Just Shawn and I for a ride to a BBQ joint called 'The Shed' in Rangeley, ME. Beautiful day for a ride, took Rt 2 over to Rt 17 up around Rangeley Lakes, lunch, then Rt 4 down along the Sandy river to Farmington and Rt 2 home, about 400+ miles. Pics here

Solo for this one. How can you pass up an 80 degree day in October?!? I didn't....Route 2 out towards Farmington, 26 down thru Belgrade Lakes for some wicked nice color, then 202 west to Lewiston-Auburn for lunch at Gritty's, then 202 east to Rt 3/1 and up the coast. Pics here

Got out early on Sunday for a color tour with Shawn & Cheryl..(love those no checkin days!) Took Rt 180 up thru Mariahville, over to Rt 9, down into Brewer for lunch at Seadog Brewery, then down the River Road into Bucksport and Rt 3 home. Nice fall day, a little cool, but good color Pics here


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