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A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.
Winnie the Pooh

Visit our Inn in Bar Harbor, Maine!

Australia 2006

We visited Jane's sister, Bridget and husband Colin, along with our nephew Alex in November 2006. They live in a suburb just north of Sydney called Cheltenham. Here's a pic of us with Alex and Bridget

We rented a Harley Davidson Ultra Classic from Fraser's H-D for transportation while we toured New South Wales. It was our first 'Fly & Ride' trip, and we were looking forward to some nice weather and good riding during our three weeks there. Seasons are reversed Down Under, and it was late spring when we arrived, quite a treat compared to November in Maine! We did have some weather extremes during our visit. We arrived to 95 degree heat, had a low of 50 one day, and then one day of 104 in the shade and 120 outside!

We traveled more than 3200Km on the bike and most of the pictures reflect a different point of view as compared to other vacation photo's we've posted here. Traveling by motorcycle also influenced us on what we did and where we visited.

Our trip starts below!

We took hundreds photos and these are just some highlights of our wonderful visit with family and a great tour of Australia via a Harley-Davidson!

Visit our Inn in Bar Harbor, Maine!

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